BeLIEve In You!

The bigger question: do you believe any of this?
Most of us live with a few contradictions in our lives. Obviously, you've faced things in the past that were hard, therefore, bravery is a part of you. You've done things that others fear they couldn't, therefore you're also part strong. In the hierarchy of knowledge, you're not at the bottom, so part of you is "smart", too.
BUT, then there's that other stuff, right? Then there is the stuff that only you know about yourself that makes all of those statements also a little untrue.... so believing affirmations like these can be tough. And if you can't believe it, you can't really embody it.
Contrast. Contradiction.
I know it. I live it, too. When the things we "know" versus the things we "believe" are bubbling to the surface in ways that don't feel "right" to us.... it can make the world feel like it doesn't make sense.
I was recently speaking with a participant from my online group. She is all of the things listed in that image above, but you know what? She's also really really not well - physically. Our email exchanges were long paragraphs of information on latest doctors visits, prognoses, test results, and scheduling all of the "good for me" things around also having to go to her full time work and functioning in social settings. She's trying to be positive (a word I loathe) and she's doing great. She hears the cheers from all who know her, and hears them say all the right words, but really, she feels confused.
If I really was strong, wouldn't my immune system also be strong? If I really wasn't brave, but just accepting that I don't have any control over this illness, would that still be ok? If I don't know anything about how or why all of this is happening to me, how smart do you really think I am?
These are the questions we ask ourselves when we are sick, but strong. We don't really believe in our strength, and therefore, we don't really have it.
Why does belief play such a vital role in recovery, though?
Did you know that your thoughts actually impact your central nervous system? They DO! Yes, if you think that there is danger outside your door, your heart will begin to race! If you think about the person you love, your breathing and heart rate will change! THINKING does something to your SYSTEM.
Which is awesome if you are the conductor of your thoughts!!
It is terrifyingly not awesome if you allow your thoughts to run without supervision.
When we are sick, our thoughts cannot kill the bacteria that is infecting us, but they can support healing in a few ways:
1. When we can avoid being "stressed out" by our illness, we lessen the burden on our cells. When stressed, a whole lotta things happen in your body to try to protect you. Among those "things" is that non-essential functions don't function efficiently -- why do you need an immune system if that tiger is eating you? So, conducting or supervising your thoughts can actually add more "fighters" to battling the illness because your thoughts are in check!
2. When we check in with our thoughts while we are ill, we can spend energy more efficiently. Our thoughts, being automatic parts of our system, can take us to dark places. BUT if we interrupt those journeys and replace them with more beneficial thoughts, we can promote healing further by staying focused on the objective of healing. For example: Interrupt the dark thoughts and replace them with "what is a better use of my energy right now?"
You know I LOVE me some questions, so I have to get back to what we started with: CONTRASTS! Living with a contrast is tough! Try asking yourself a few questions to straighten it out:
1. What is this contrast I am bothered by and how can I best resolve it?
2. How can I find balance with this new information?
That's all for today, y'all! (I'm really feeling y southern girl today!!)
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In office: by appointment only