Don't Wait Any Longer To Feel Better On Purpose. Call Now 919-756-4548
The most important thing I can say about my experience with the UBeWell is that I see the amazing changes in my daily routines and choices, and these improvements began occurring almost immediately.
It was not a therapy session, and I did not need (nor was I required) to share detailed bits of my past or delve into my relationship with my mother and father. It is an efficient and thorough process that ultimately helped me to feel hopeful and inspired to take on the challenges and obstacles that may have caused a stumble in the past.
Liz's thoughtful insights were invaluable in finding the empowering side of some of my questions; without her assistance, I would certainly have become stuck in the same negativity and excuses that have held me back in the past. Subconscious Restructuring is a great process for improving your life, and Liz is an excellent guide through the process. I found in refining my questions that I was really identifying my excuses and, with Liz's help, I could then identify a positive way to move forward.
For me, it was a process of distillation, as in, removing the impurities and the junk (for me - the excuses) and leaving behind only the parts you want, the good stuff! But more than that, the subconscious does become your ally in life. In plain words, it is just easier to do the things I know I need to do.
M.W. Sunnyvale, CA (male, 40)
The single best thing I gained from working with Liz is the ability to make decisions from an empowered state.For too long, I allowed fear and other emotions to dictate my life, which meant I was living in a persistently reactive state instead of one of control. Anxiety and depression flourished, and life felt hopeless.Emotions are incredibly vital and important thermometers, to be used to measure and assess what's going on. However, a measurement tool cannot spark growth, progress or lasting change. It forever sits idle.Liz uses a results-based approach that allows you to visually see the changes and progress being made from week to week. After the first session I could tell an immediate difference, and I don't even recognize the woman, me, who sat across the table from Liz a few short weeks ago.I am forever grateful to Liz for teaching me that I no longer have to stare at a thermometer hoping the temperature will turn. I now know I alone hold the thermostat and can control the climate of my life, and as a result I am thriving in my faith, relationships, career and personal pursuits.
J.H. - San Jose, CA (female.28.y.o)
I have had the pleasure of having Liz coach me through the subconscious restructuring (SR) process. Not only was I incredibly impressed with the process in itself, but having Liz as a coach was the cherry on top. She has an amazing way of connecting with people and guiding you though the uncharted territory of your subconscious.
SR is an experience that is incredibly empowering. You are encouraged to take responsibility for your past, present and future. More importantly, you are provided with the tools that allow you take the control back to ensure that your future is exactly what you want it to be.
Whether you come from a background of privilege or adversity, life is unpredictable. The best gift you can give yourself is to make sure you have all the tools necessary to successfully navigate your way through it. Having an understanding of your subconscious and how to control is one of the most valuable tools you can have.
N.H. - Sunnyvale, CA (Female.30)
Liz is simply amazing. She listens and then helps you create a game plan. I'm having a little trouble with my 4 year old since his Dad and I separated and her guidance has been a very impact-able, user-friendly, and encouraging, part of this difficult journey.
I have personally hired her for her Subconscious Re-programing (sic Restructuring) course and I can't tell you enough about the positive changes my business and life have taken because of the methods and questions I am able to answer for myself. I highly recommend you working with her regardless of the issues you are facing in life.
G.J. San Jose, CA
More Awesome Results From My Clients
I have struggled with severe anxiety for many years now, and I have made huge progress through traditional cognitive behavioral psychotherapy. Despite all this progress, anxiety and related emotional problems, while under control mostly, were a constant daily struggle.
After hearing about the subconscious restructuring program, it sounded very interesting and like it might be something that would work. In fact it almost sounded too good to be true. I decided to give it a try and I worked with Liz Kahn to go through the steps. She taught me the tools that I needed to complete the steps and maintain the strategies on my own.
Liz provided a perfect balance of feeling supported and heard while empowering me and making me feel capable of using the strategies on my own. To be honest, I was reluctant to do some of the steps that were more time consuming, but the payoff was immense.
This worked so well for me in such a relatively short amount of time, that I am frustrated that I didn’t know about it sooner.
A.M. - Sacramento, CA (Female.32.y.o)
I was in therapy for over 20 years for anxiety and severe depression. I’ve spent over $40,000 during that time and I still never felt any “better”. Actually, I started seeing therapy as a place where it was safe for me to vent about all the crappy things going on in my life. I believed that it was worth the $100 a pop to be able to be angry without judgement. But THAT was the “crazy” part!
I'm an old lady now, 45, and I'm finally feeling like life is not so tough. I’m not angry so much anymore. I’m not looking for a place where I won’t be judged for my thoughts and feelings because, hey, my thoughts and feelings are valid - and I know how to communicate them effectively.
I still get thoughts that make me stir, but I absolutely know how to move forward with confidence. Where was this program 20 years ago?
L.M.T - Chicago, Il (Female.45.y.o)
I absolutely changed my life and my views after working with Liz Kahn. After going through her initial program, I continued using her services on a monthly basis to keep myself educated on how best to utilize that tools she has given me access to. Our first session was over Skype. It was easy to work with her even over Skype.
I saw changes within the first two weeks of the program. I would highly recommend her services and her skills to anyone going through life feeling lost, alone, confused or someone who needs just a jolt of life in their step when they wake up daily.
I thank you Liz.
D.J. San Jose, CA (female.37.y.o)
UBeWell has taught me that I am not alone.
I am also more aware now. Half the battle is catching the thought. I’m not always willing to interrupt and restructure, but I am aware of it and know I have the option and ability to change my response.
V.R. San Jose, CA (female 30s)
When I started this work with Liz, it was more because I was curious than anything else. I had always prided myself on being logical and fully prepared for anything. Of course, that prep work was really time consuming, but I felt it was necessary in order to feel confident in my day-to-day interactions at work and in classes. It did work for me.
But then we went through the process and what I realized was that all the prep work I did in order to feel prepared was really a convoluted way of putting myself in very tight corner, and that by doing all of this extra work to feel prepared for any potential battles, I wasn’t really living my life to its fullest. This process helped me to get really honest with myself - and what I saw when I stripped away all the armor was that all of my contriving wasn’t really working for ME at all.
After one session I was starting to hear my subconscious voices say different things. I wasn’t “hearing voices” or anything, just listening to myself differently, and myself was saying: start being honest about your own needs and the rest will fall into place.
After two sessions my whole way of looking at myself had changed, but it wasn’t like I had spent hours and hours in deep thought about it - it was just there when I woke up, clear as day: I totally love myself.
Its not like I lived my life up to this point feeling like I didn’t love myself, its just that after SR it was the most prevalent aspect of how I functioned during the day. And I felt good about it. No. I feel GREAT about it.
Call Liz. Take the first steps towards incorporating all aspects of yourself into your functional life. It is awesome.
Lyndah C. - Santa Clara, CA (Female.36y.o)
So the weird thing about working with Liz is that she seriously doesn't ask you about the past - at all. This was the coolest thing for me, because frankly, I'm not super proud of my past. I wasn't even going to write a review, but I've been doing this work for a year now and you should know what I know. What I know is this: if you are not super proud of your past, if you've made choices in your life that seriously didn't work for you, THIS is the process that will help you stop kicking yourself for it, so that you can actually move forward.
In one year of doing SR, mostly on my own (but I have called Liz a few times to help me stay on track), I've gone through phases where I stopped doing the "daily practices" - when life was feeling good and even, you know? But when things weren't so great, or heading in that direction, it is so easy to pick back up and get real results really fast.
Liz isn't at all what I expected, either. I think I expected her to be like a therapist in that she would listen when I wanted to talk, but she was really very focused on teaching me to use the tools in place of complaining. When I asked her about it, she told me (and I'm paraphrasing) that mastering the tools of SR means that I don't ever have to complain again, that if I restructure my complaints into the right form and let the body do the rest, it might change other things in my life, too. Things I hadn't ever thought about.
What hadn't I thought about? I just got engaged!! Did SR get me to the ring? Nope. But changing my (apparently) very negative outlook changed how people connected with me -- and I never would have thought about how my complaining about things, even when I make jokes to lighten the mood, was keeping the men I was interested in at a distance.
Liz didn't share with me her insights and try to mold me into a version of her. She offered me support in taking control of aspects of my life that I didn't even realize were out of whack. And then she didn't shame me when I stopped doing my work, she just said, "I'll be here when you are ready to get back into it", and she was.
I thought to myself, "what can a 6-week program REALLY do to change my life"? It makes me chuckle now. Six weeks to an empowered me... heck, I didn't even know what empowered meant until Liz.
Aarti New York, NY (female, 37)